I mean even Lady Gaga loves it and wears it (though they can be a little bizarre... - anime eyes, anyone?)
I follow this website called Tokyo Fashion on Facebook.
They post daily on the citizens of Akihibara.
Most of them there sport a daring outfit (something we would never do) and I salute them for that.
Some of the outfits depict steampunk, which I think is really really cool.
There's also really cute looks as well (and they look so dolli-ish and adorable).
I'm jealous of how Japanese females get such pale skin!
And of course, minori* is always appearing on the page.
I really love her style and how she pays so much attention to details on her eyes!
Her outfit is always (I think) handmade and remade from resale pieces.
She's also called a "Shironuri", which literally translates to "painted in white" and therefore they refer to people who dress in the shironuri style wear white makeup
Shironuri also frequently dress up in Japanese traditional elements and sport a gothic lolita style, which I think is really unique!
Here is my favourite outfit of minori*: